Thursday, April 30, 2009

Where Do I Start?

Goodness gracious! I have missed blogging the past week! I'm so happy to have our computer fixed - thanks babe! There has been so much going on that I'm not really too sure of where to begin.

I'm still walking with my sweet friend, Crystal, three mornings a week. We are walking about 2.5 miles and although it is really early to be up, I'm loving being back into some exercise after finishing boot camp. Speaking of boot camp, I just got my "graduate" shirt in the mail this week, and I plan on wearing it with pride! I worked hard for that t-shirt!:) This coming Saturday, Crystal and I are walking in the Walf for Life here. Want to sponsor me? We are excited about it - it is a great way to stand up for what you believe in and get some exercise. I haven't posted much about my weight loss on here because I feel kind of weird about it, but I have had several people comment about it to me lately, so I'll just tell you. I've lost 45 lbs, I'm down three pant sizes, and one shirt size. I'm very proud of myself and hope to keep going with it. Everybody seems to be on the adventure to lose weight right now - a sure sign that summer is coming!

We are in the full swing of the baseball season. Next week we will be at the ball field at least four nights for games. Kayla had a game tonight and they just got spanked - and I do mean spanked! They lost 12-1. It was not pretty. We have played this team once before and they stomped us then too. Their coach is, um, well, not so great. I haven't figured him out yet. He seems to be very encouraging to the girls but not quite so considerate in how he plays. Oh well - you can't win them all I guess! Tyler starts his games next week. Have I told ya'll how cute he looks in his baseball pants? It cracks me up!

We have made it over the slump of cut hours at Craig's job. God is so good - He provided just what we needed! He is back on a full 40 hours! I'm working three days a week and Shannon has been picking Tyler up from K4 for me so that I can get most of my hours in. I've got my babysitter lined up for summer and I will work about 20 hours a week through the summer and then come fall I'll be doing 24 hours a week. That will be about perfect for me. I'll work four days a week and then have one day for errands and helping at school and such. Next month (May) will be my last month of doing Graceful Designs. It is kind of sad, but I also know that this is what God would have me to do. There are not enough hours in my life to work for Bud, enjoy my family, take care of my home and family, and do Graceful Designs too. Rock on Holly - I hope it takes off for you!

I have pictures to post of softball/baseball and the kid's choir programs from last night. More post are coming soon, I hope...

Friday, April 24, 2009

If It's Broke, Fix It PLEASE!!!!

Okay, so I am posting this quick update while I am work (that's why it's going to be quick!). My computer at home is broke AGAIN. Along with our ice maker - go figure - maybe they are both connected to the same... refrigerator??? Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know that we were still alive and I have lots of fun stuff to post about, but until my computer is fixed, that ain't gonna happen. If you need something, call, don't email! :) Would one of my facebook friends please call me every hour to let me know what I'm missing!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Playing Catch Up

I have no idea where the last two weeks have gone! The kids had a wonderful time in Tennessee with the Grandparents. Tyler keeps telling me to take him back, but I don't have the heart to tell him that they probably need a break! I'm just kidding! It was kind of funny though, they all said how good the kids were while they were up there but when they got home, whoo! Tyler did nothing but run around and yell all weekend! I think he had contained himself as long as he could! They did both have a great time though. Craig and I also enjoyed the week of just being by ourselves. We both worked, but by the time evening came, it was almost like we were dating again - it was awesome! We talked and shopped and went out to eat, by ourselves and with friends. We went and got ice cream one night and cruised around town with the windows down and classic rock music blaring from the speakers - yea, we were in our minivan, but, hey, it was still fun! He took me clothes shopping and that is something that we rarely, if ever, get to do together, so that was a lot of fun also. Oh, and we had the great budget talk, and we didn't have to wait until after 9:00 p.m. when the kids were in bed! So, all in all, it was a great week for everyone.

My parents brought the kids back on Saturday and then spent a few days with us. I took a few pictures of the kids coloring eggs and opening their Easter baskets so I'll have to get those posted. We had a great time with my parents and, if you happen to know them and you are reading my blog, please tell my dad that you are so happy that he found his owl! :)

This week starts our baseball craziness. We will be at the ball field at least three nights a week, but at least the kids are playing at the same field so when games do overlap, we can split our time between games.

It seems that for some reason this week every blog and facebook status that I read is talking about people trying to lose weight or people just noticing that they need to lose weight. What's up with that? Must be summer is coming! I have started walking in the mornings again with a friend of mine. This was our first week and we were up stinkin' early! My alarm went off at 4:35 this morning and by 4:55 we were walking. Crazy, yes, but I miss boot camp and could feel all my newly toned muscles turning to flab again. Plus I do want to lose some more weight before our vacations this summer, so if that means getting up before 5:00 a.m., so be it!

I'm hosting bunko tonight! Yea! So, I've got to get off of this computer and get going so I'll be ready! Hope everyone has a great day!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Great Outdoors

This weekend we took the kids and met Ruth and Ron at Cloudland Canyon State Park just outside of Chattanooga. It was a nice overnight trip. We stayed in their camper so I didn't have to brave the bath house! I hate bath houses! Seriously, they gross me out. I was a little out of my comfort zone all weekend, but it was still fun. By out of my comfort zone, I mean, outside doing outdoorsy types of things. Now, it's not that I don't enjoy being outdoors, I love the great outdoors. I just don't like sweating, bugs, or getting dirty!:) This weekend I did all three. Right after we got to the park on Saturday we set off for a wild flower hike. I love wildflowers and much of what our guide told us was very interesting. It also helped that he had a great sense of humor and kept us laughing the whole time. However, at the beginning of the hike he told us there was just one steep part that he wanted to take us on so that we could look in these caves. Knowing that I had just finished five weeks of Boot Camp, I was feeling seriously prepared for this. And, I thought, "caves, this will be fun!" That's not something you see every day. I'm thinking this is a great adventure, right? The guide, Josh, proceeds to tell us that we need to be very careful because just the day before, a man had slipped/tripped and fallen and split his head open on a rock and bled profusely. My sense of adventure began to dwindle just slightly. Then I saw the steep part and the mud and I began to clumsily slip and slide my way to the top, but he just kept going and going and Lisa was growing more and more nervous. I finally called a halt and decided staying alive was more important to me than seeing a cave. I'm horribly uncoordinated and I just couldn't see risking it. At this point, I should mention that my in-laws who are in the sixties did this climb without missing a beat. I'm a wuss, I know.
We enjoyed the wildflower hike and came back to camp to just hang out and relax. There was a playground right next to the campsite and the kids made new friends and spent most of their time over there. There is nothing like camping to make you completely relaxed. Craig laughs at me because all I want to do when we get out there is sleep.
Sunday morning we got up and hiked down into the canyon to a waterfall. It was very pretty and very intimidating. You feel like a teeny tiny bug when you are standing in the midst of such vastness. You're surrounded by rock and water. The climb back out was quite a workout. There were about a bazillion stairs and, yes, I was sweating and out of breath when I got to the top!
We left the kids there with the grandparents and drove home. What an odd feeling to be in your house with no children and knowing you are going to have that deafening silence for a whole week! I love my children to pieces, but I'm not going to lie - I'm going to enjoy this week of getting to do things that we don't usually get to do. Like clothes shopping with just my husband with no time constraints, grocery shopping without having to constantly yank my kids out of the aisle so that they don't get run over, spring cleaning!!! By the end of the week, I will be crazy with missing them, but in the here and now, I'm going to enjoy a break from reality!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Yea!!! I finally got my background issue figured out!!!

Kayla's World

So, I've posted a lot about Tyler, but not much about Kayla, so I thought I would catch everyone up on her goings-ons! She started softball this past week. It is her first year with machine pitch. Craig took her to the batting cage on Sunday and she was not very happy about how hitting the ball hurt her hands. But, she did practice on Monday, and Craig was very proud of her. She did a really good job and is one of only a few kids who know how to hold their gloves right and she did connect with the ball. She had a blast!

She is still developing quite an education at school this year and I ain't talking about the good stuff. I'm thankful that she talks to me and she knows right from wrong. But, even still, the stuff she is learning from the kids in her class is beyond me. This week she informed me that she knows what "gay" means. Great. Also, apparently, there is a little boy in her class that sometimes feels the need to shoot the bird at the teacher when she isn't looking. Great, again. This particular boy has been a thorn in Kayla's side all year. And, I must admit, he is something else. I've had the pleasure of sitting at the lunch table with him a few times this year when I've gone to eat lunch with Kayla. I told Kayla that he is an EGR person - Extra Grace Required. Tuesday night, he was in everybody's bed time prayers as we prayed that Kayla would respond to him with kindness and God's grace. I now know why I do not work in the education system - bless her teacher's heart!

We are packing and getting the kids ready today to go to Tennessee for spring break. We leave early Saturday morning and Craig and I will spend one night camping with Ruth and Ron and then we'll head home on Sunday for a week of date nights! I'm sure I will miss them terribly, but they are so excited! I'm not working Masters this year but I will be working my other job so it will still be a busy week. Well, I guess that's it for now!

Oh, before I leave, for those of you who live in my area and are wondering if I got wet at boot camp again last night - I DID! Another night of wet sticky grass and mud and dripping ugly hair. It was our last workout! Friday is our final test - I've made it through five weeks of intense workout and excruiating pain. My legs hurt so bad when I got home last night that I wanted to cry! Fun stuff, huh?