Friday, September 26, 2008

Got Gas?

Okay, so let me just tell you in all honesty that this day has been a complete bust. It started out good - beautiful weather, doors and windows wide open, a mostly clean house. Yea, then I started up Gertrude, the embroidery machine, and well, things went down hill pretty quick from there. I will save you the gory details, but just know that it wasn't good. I tried very hard to maintain my patience with Tyler while in the midst of my impatience and frustration with Gert. I did pretty good I think - thank You Lord. Tyler played so good today - he made a fort in the living room and even though he did NOT take a nap he was really good!

I tried to get my mood rearranged (an attitude adjustment, if you will) because we had family fun night plans. We took the kids to dinner and then downtown to a free Christian concert. The group was not well known to me, but they were really good and the kids had a great time. We ran into a large group of friends that we didn't know were going so that was fun. So, we have this wonderful dinner of cholesterol and fat at Wendy's (I'm trying not to think about how far I will have to walk to get rid of that) and then we headed downtown. Well, I only had about a quarter of a tank of gas and we have several stations around town that have run out of gas, so we figured we would try to get some on the way downtown as we would be passing several gas stations. Now, it is bad enough that you have to worry if you are even going to be able to afford to fill up your tank without having to just worry IF you are going to be able to fill up your tank. So we come across a gas station that obviously has gas. Please someone ask me how I knew that they had gas. Could it be the lines and lines of cars trying to enter the gas station from every legal way and some illegal ways? So, we pull into the turn lane thinking that we could make a U-turn and go on another happy hunt for gas, because if we wait in line at this one we will miss the concert. So, we are waiting and waiting and... you get the picture. Nobody is turning because all of the people in the turn lane in front of us are waiting to get into the gas station. We watched one guy actually drive over median, yea, the big cement thing in the middle of the road, yep, right over it. I must confess, I called him an idiot! So, we are still waiting and the light turns red for about the 12th time and I watched as two or three cars flew through the intersection trying to beat the light; then I watched as one car t-boned another car as they were both trying to make it through the light at the same time going opposite directions. As if that weren't bad enough I then watched as somebody else tried to beat the light right after the accident happened. Tell me this -- where are people going in such a hurry? Okay, yes, I know I'm guilty of trying to beat the light occassionally too - where am I going in such a hurry??? Ugh! By this point I was about to stroke out; I was a nervous wreck on top of worrying about where in the heck we were going to get gas. I still don't have gas, hopefully some stations around town will get their tanks refilled tonight so that there will be gas in the morning. Ok, this is no joke, Craig went out to the shed after we got home to get the tanks that he uses for the lawn mower - there was about two gallons there, so he filled me up!!! What is happening to our world people??

So, to top all of that off, it is almost 1:00a.m. and guess what I am doing, besides blogging. Yeah, Gertrude is just singing away in my kitchen. Thankfully, I have very hard sleepers in my house and she doesn't seem to be affecting them getting their beauty sleep. Why am I embroidering at this hour you ask? Yea, I'm asking that too! Actually, I think Gert and I just had a score to settle after our afternoon together today. I think I just needed to prove to myself that I actually can do some things right! Plus that tomorrow is going to be a hectic day and I really have no desire to sit at the embroidery machine all day on Saturday and if I don't get it done on Saturday then it won't happen until Tuesday at the earliest with church on Sundays and Mondays being such hectic days. Add to that that I am supposed to have THREE trust signings at work next week and I'm not even ready for one of them. Not good, not good at all. So, I'm giving up sleep in hopes of maintaining my sanity. Holly offered to keep Gert for another week and what did I say??? I said, "oh no, not at all, it's my week, I can handle it." Do you know what? I am a stinkin' control freak. I know that about myself and I constantly have to work to squash it. Like when somebody has an idea that I think is stupid I just want to tell them "that's stupid, never gonna work", but, bless the Lord, He is working on me about taming my tongue and my prideful spirit. This is just another lesson learned.

Well, this is the ugly from today. The good news is is that after this sweatshirt comes off of the machine I am going to bed!


Anonymous said...

I have missed your blogging, but not to the point that my daughter has to blog at 1:00 am!! Please! We see the same things here in Tn over gas at times. Although, we have been fortunate and been able to fill up when we have needed w/o the lines. Hope your day goes better....Love ya, Mom