Friday, September 26, 2008

I've Got Gas!!!

Okay, tacky I know but I just could NOT resist that title! Finally found gas today at WalMart for $3.68/gallon. Whew! My tank is full!

I have said goodbye to yesterday and today has been a much better day! I have finished my orders for Graceful Designs and Gert and I both were in a much better frame of mind today after she learned who was boss in the wee hours of the morning! Holly, I promise I only kicked her once! I have had my hair done, been to work, straightened up my house, cleaned myself up and I am now dressed and ready to go on a date with my husband. We are going to dinner and to see Fireproof and I am so excited. I have been waiting for about the last two weeks for this date night. Thank you to K who is coming to babysit tonight - Tyler was beside himself at nap time today when I tucked him and told him that K was coming to babysit. He was so excited which is probably why he didn't sleep!

So, life is good, and my only issue right now is that my shoes are too tight!!! But they are so darn cute that it is going to be well worth the pain of wearing them tonight! I mean, hello, they make my outfit. Vanity - eeesh!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I could help out with babysitting...except Tyler just asked me if I am pregnant... which I AM NOT... so i'm going to go put my sweatshirt on and start working on a diet plan!

Hehe hope ya'll enjoy your date night!!!!