Monday, September 22, 2008

Still Here

I just looked and realized that I have not posted anything since Tuesday. Yikes! What has happened to me? I'm falling off of the blogging wagon!

Hhhmmm, what has been going on? I don't know that there has been anything exciting happening; it has mostly just been life as usual. The last two weeks without the embroidery machine have been sheer bliss and I have enjoyed every minute of it! I have had down time, I have taken naps, I have hung out with Tyler-man - it has been great. But, today, vacation is over and the machine comes back tonight. I already have orders waiting to be filled, BUT, this is a good thing. It has taken Holly and I awhile to get things going but it is finally happening. We seem to get a little bit busier every month and while it is never a "three days behind kind of busy" it is busy enough!

The kitchen project has once again been on hold while we waited for more tile to come in. Now my husband begins the research process of hanging tile. I have to remind myself not to get impatient with him. This is truly his gift and area of expertise. He reads and researches and tries different things until he knows exactly what he's doing and then when he does it, it is done right and looks great. Thank goodness he is like that. If it was up to me, we would just slap it up there and it would probably look terrible and be falling down in a week's time. I have no patience for that sort of thing. I'm one of those people who don't like to read the directions and I really don't care to research much of anything. Isn't it a good thing that Craig doesn't let me touch any tools or home improvement items of any kind? Our goal is to have the backsplash and the new closet done by Christmas - I can live with that! Honestly, he amazes me with the different skills that God has blessed him with and it is a blessing. He saves us a ton of money being able to do stuff like this himself!

Our weekend was quick, too quick, but it was nice. The weather here has been so awesome! Every morning when I go out to walk the first thing I do is thank God for the cooler temperatures! It feels like fall! Anyway, I spent most of Saturday in the kitchen. Craig and I are trying to develop some healthier eating habits and so I was in the kitchen playing with food. I love to play with food! Plus that I'm also trying out some new recipes with the holidays in mind. So Saturday night we had appetizers for dinner - they were yummy! I spent Saturday afternoon and one other day last week listing some ebay stuff for a friend and by "some" I mean ALOT!!! Yesterday afternoon I took myself shopping and just had a big 'ol time for myself! Got home in time to get ready to go back to church for AWANA. So it was a busy weekend, but a good kind of busy. You know what I mean, not the kind of busy where you look back and think "what did I do all day?", but the kind of busy where you get to the end of the day and you are tired and you know it is because you put in a good day's work and got lots done.

Well, we are all off to either school or work today, so I've got to get off of here so I can go and get all of us ready to go! Happy Monday people!