Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We are Those People

So, Shannon and I have a joke about being "those people". You know who "those people" are. We've all seen them and most likely if you haven't been them already, you will be them soon. You know, the lady in WalMart who is hollering at her child to not touch everything or to sit down in the cart. Or maybe the people that you see in the Mexican restaurant whose child is licking the cheese dip bowl and there is enough food UNDER said child's chair to feed starving children in Africa for at least six months. Or maybe it's the "I can't believe that they let their children watch that little whiney Caillou cartoon". I am that person! I'm the one who used to say, "yea, that ain't gonna be me". Hahaha, boy, have I been rudely awakened. I have walked through WalMart with a screaming child yelling, "Mama, why did you pinch me, that hurt!". I have let my children watch Caillou - what is up with that kid? I'm sorry - he honestly makes my insides cringe every time I hear him talk. I have scolded my children for licking the cheese dip bowl. Well, now I have experienced yet another episode of "I am that person". For a long time I have heard mothers of boys, and, yes, even some wives, talk about pottying issues. Issues as in, like, the pee pee does NOT make it IN the toilet, but AROUND the toilet. Are you that person??? I never used to be that person, but as I went in to clean the kids bathroom today, it has dawned on me that I am now that person! What is it about little boys not being able to hit the toilet bowl? So, this week, Tyler will learn the ins and outs of using antibacterial cleaning wipes!


Holly said...

ok. I am NOT the mom whose kid is screaming in Walmart--mine are angels (ha-ha). I did let my kids watch cailou once upon a day--but then I also let them watch that stupid puple dinosaur too and I swore I'd never do taht. My kids have NEVER licked a bowl in public. BUT, we do have those bathroom issues--STILL Lisa!!! I have scrubbed toilets, floors and walls and still can't get the smell that I swear I smell to leave. I found those toilet gell things this week and at least now the smell is disguised:) Oh the joy that boys bring. Be thankful you only have one to deal with that on!!!