Monday, April 28, 2008

Big Boy Underwear

I'm thinking that God surely has a sense of humor - there seems to be an "underwear" theme to my day.

So, this afternoon Tyler comes out from his room, "Mama, I have big boy underwear on." You may not agree with me on this and that is okay, but I made him go and take them off because he has been doing this lately where he goes and puts underwear on and then proceeds to poop in them. I do NOT enjoy cleaning poopy underwear. That is right up on my list with killing spiders! Okay, so he proceeds to go in the bathroom and poop. Okay, I'm not trying to be disgusting, just trying to set the stage for you - it was, like, smaller than a rabbit pellet. Seriously! But, of course, I praised him like crazy. Then he wanted to know if he could wear big boy underwear since he had gone in the potty. What do you do? You want to be encouraging but not be a moron right? Well, apparently I got stuck more on the moron end, because I let him put on underwear. By this point of the day, chores are done, toys are cleaned up out of the living room, Kayla is laying on the couch reading, and Tyler is....where is Tyler? I notice that he has been very quiet for quite some time, so I tiptoe back to his room, and he is actually playing quietly BY HIMSELF! I'm thinking to myself, "life is good", "my kids are great", "I have 5 minutes of quiet"! So, I am enjoying my quiet by going over a few bills, clipping coupons, and doing AWANA stuff. Pretty soon, here comes Tyler and I notice that he is walking a little funny. Yep, he pooped in his UNDERWEAR. How gross is this? So, he gets on the potty and I'm sitting in the kitchen fuming and all of the sudden I hear, "Mom, come see how much toilet paper I put in the toilet!" Calgon anyone?