Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cleaning House

Can I just take a moment and tell ya'll that my house is a disaster? I'm still working my way through laundry from camping and it just seems that everything is in a state of confusion around here. I hate that feeling. Today I am planning to be home all day and just work around my house. I have closets that need to be cleaned and dresser drawers that need to be gone through and a host of other things! That is my agenda for the day.

I have to update on my Mexico trip. We had another meeting Sunday night and things are really beginning to take shape. I brought home three bags of medicines that have to be counted and labeled and distributed into Ziploc bags for use in the "pharmacy". I started on that last night and got through about 1000 pills and still have another 3000 of that kind to go through! I have all of my money ready to turn in. Let me take a moment and say thank you to everyone who contributed monetarily. Each one of you are such a blessing and I am so appreciative and can't wait to tell you what your contribution helped to accomplish! I found out last night that my job is going to be to work with the children whose parent's are being seen in the clinic. We will be coloring, doing the gospel bracelets, singing, and doing puppets. I hope I can get home without having stick several of the kids in my suitcase and bring them home with me! I can't wait! We also got our itinerary with all of our flight information. It will take pretty much two full days of travel even though Mexico is not that far. By the time we travel by bus to Atlanta and then by bus from where we are landing in Mexico to where we are actually staying, it ends up being a pretty full day. Last night I got my gifts for my interpreters as well as all of my samples for traveling - I have to have my hair spray! Oh, I also found out last night that I will be working with the pastor's wife. This is the wife of the man who wrote and asked us to consider coming for this mission trip. I am really looking forward to that.

In other Churchill news, Kayla is taking the CRCT this week so we have been trying to be kind of low key and make sure that she gets enough rest, etc. She still is not feeling 100% better, but she is no longer running a fever and only through up that one time on Sunday. She brought home her progress report yesterday and has done great the first part of this 9 weeks - all A's! Tyler's potty training took another turn for the worse last week after 3 1/2 days of doing great we fell off the wagon! John Peter is still a big part of our family. You gotta love that fictious little boy! It seems that everything we are talking about at the moment that John Peter has also done that. He was sick on Sunday too, for two weeks! This boy's imagination never ceases to amaze me!

All right, I am off to be productive...