Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Broken Hearts

Wow - today has been a rough day. I'm not sure where to start. We have some friends here, actually, he is on staff at our church as the Minister to Seniors and Singles, there names are Denny and Vickie. They had a precious baby girl two months ago today. She was born with a skin condition called EB for short. Basically it is where they develop blisters all over there bodies. She has had a rough two months, but tonight she will rest peacefully in the arms of Jesus as she left this world this afternoon. How do we, in our human minds begin to grasp this kind of heartache? I have continually reminded myself today that this was always God's Plan A - He is not surprised, He didn't mess up, He knew Emma's days on this earth would end today. He could have stopped it, but He didn't. Why? The only reason that I can come up with is that somehow His glory is going to shine in her death. I won't pretend that that is very comforting right now. I trust Him, I know He will get them through this, but sometimes you just wonder why. It's funny though, I thought about how God has already walked this road and how He suffers with Denny and Vickie right now also. I know the Bible says there are no tears in Heaven, but I can't help but wonder if God had tears in His eyes when He welcomed that sweet baby home today. Did He remember what it felt like when His Son breathed His last? And just as He did then did He look ahead to see what good was going to come from the situation? I think He did.
I have to tell you that I got to see something today that was so incredibly overwhelming and emotional to me. My very good friend, Janna, is extremely close to Denny and Vickie, so when she called, I piled my children in the van and drove like mad to get to her house. When I got there, me, Jannna, and another friend sat in her room and wept together over Denny and Vickie's loss. When Denny called and asked Janna to come to the hospital, I went to round the kids up and bring them home with me. What I found was this - my daughter, Janna's daughter, and an unsaved friend just beginning to wrap there arms around each other to pray for Denny and Vickie. There are tears in my eyes again at this very moment just thinking of it. I told Janna, "there it is, there is some good coming from this already; there are our sweet babies out there praying in the midst of a little girl who they know doesn't know Jesus." Wow, you know, sometimes you wonder if your children are getting it and you think you continually screw up and then when you see them turn to God immediately when the going gets rough, it just makes you want to praise Him! Please lift up Denny and Vickie tonight. Even if you don't know them - they are brothers and sisters in Christ and they need to feel the prayers of their family in Christ. And while you are praying, hug your children extra hard, read an extra bed time book, rock for five more minutes, and tell them that you love them every day - they are a gift!


Mark and Abbie's blog said...

What a beautiful sweet time for Kayla and Kendall to grow closer to Christ. Even in the midst of this sadness. All of our hearts are breaking now. Thank you for sharing your life and sadness.

Momma 2...5 said...

What a great witness they have been to their friend. I guy from our church works with Darrell Freeman and he told Jamie last night at the softball game. Please let Denny and Vickie know that we are praying for them. Please let us know about the arrangements. If you can think of anything we can do, please let us know.

Love you
Amanda Wootten