Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Co-Pays, Bulging Ear Drums, and More

The medical field is getting rich off of the Churchill family! I think we have all been to the doctor more in the past couple of months than we have in the past year. With that being said, let me also say that I am not going to complain. I know too many people right now who have either lost children or who have children in the hospital. Therefore, I will not complain about an hour long visit! And praise God - He does always provide the co-pay money! With that being said, I spent the morning at the doctor's office for a minor procedure that my doctor wanted me to have done. My sweet hubby went with me to hold my hand. I don't like the doctor's office at all. I don't do needles or pain well, so Craig went with me to hold my hand and make jokes with me. That's what we like to do - sit in the dr's office and make jokes. He is so much fun and keeps me laughing. The medical staff either laugh with us or look at us like we are morons - we like when they laugh with us! Well, I came home to rest and Craig went to get Tyler from school. We got him home and he was crying because his ear hurt. So I took him to the pediatrician this afternoon and he has an ear that is so infected that it is bulging. OUCH! He has such a high tolerance for pain that usually when he says something hurts he is ready for medical attention. So Craig just left with him to go back to the pharmacy to pick up his prescription and then to pick up dinner. We will all be laying out of church tonight to rest and relax and feel better. Honestly, I do really praise the Lord that this is minor stuff. I can totally handle ear infections and the Tylenol seems to be keeping the pain at a bearable place for Tyler.