Thursday, May 29, 2008

Safe and Sound

Well, we rolled in to Tennessee at 11:06 p.m. yesterday. How do I know the precise time you may ask? Well, allow me to tell you...

We left the gas station at 5:05 from home last night - Craig remembered this. We proceeded to drive the entire trip WITHOUT stopping! Can you say "crazy"? We kept waiting for one of the kids to need to go to the bathroom and nobody asked. They fell asleep about an hour and half out, so I knew there was no stopping then. We made a usual 7-8 hour trip in 6 hours and 1 minute. Seriously, I was not a good traveling companion - I was ready to get out!!!! I was working on a serious tension headache and a major diet coke and chocolate craving - it was not good! Craig was laughing at me so I turned mean! I made him listen to Reba McEntire and my singing for about 50 miles!!! I told him that if he didn't stop that Faith Hill was next, and then I was going to bring out the big guns... The Judds!!! It didn't work, he just kept right on rolling. I told my mama that if I thought that my hips would have fit through my window that I may have hurled myself out of it into oncoming traffic!!! My sweet mother had diet coke, chocolate, and snacks out when we got here, bless her Lord!!!
Craig is off to his mom and daddy's today to tackle a bathroom repair project. I hope I will see him some this weekend, but this is a major project for them. It is a good thing that our parents only live about 15 minutes apart! Mom and I and the kids are off to run some errands and do some shopping. Hope everyone has a good day! And to Holly...don't stress, I remembered to pack for myself AND everyone else!!!


Momma 2...5 said...

Have a great time nd tell your folks hello from us!

Holly said...

Girl, I can't believe you find time to do this on your trip!! ALL of my stuff has been sitting on my floor ready for the duffle since Tuesday afternoon! I WILL NOT BE UNCLOTHED ON THIS TRIP!! I even went and bought new undies so I wouldn't accidentally run out.
Hope you guys have a good time visitng. I'll get to see my mom Saturday night and then Sunday morning. Can't wait!