Saturday, May 3, 2008

Playing Catch Up!

Yesterday and today have been days of playing catch up and I am loving every minute of it. The past few weeks have been so busy that I have been meeting myself coming and going. Last night I worked on my end of the year AWANA stuff that I have been putting on the back burner all week. Today I got to sleep in until 9:30 - IT WAS AWESOME!!! I put dinner in the crockpot, caught up with Shannon and Mom on the telephone and then headed off to a birthday party. The birthday party was a lot of fun; the kids both got to play and I got to visit with some ladies that I don't always get to chat with - that was nice. I got home from the party and Kayla went to play with Erica and I got to rock and sing Tyler to sleep - I love that I can still do that to him when he is 4 years old. I was getting the house straightened up when Craig got home from work. He has been outside doing more yard work and I have been inside mopping floors, working on my writing class that I have been neglecting, and also getting some more medicines counted for my mission trip. This has all been stuff that has been hanging over my head for the last couple of weeks and it feels so good to get it done. My house is so quiet today! My house is rarely quiet and I must admit that it is nice for a little while...