Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Day of Rest!

I have a friend who on her blog a few weeks ago declared a "Pajama Day"; well, I am declaring today as a day of rest for the Churchill family. It has been a busy week. The little bit of snow and ice that we had last night vanished pretty quick when the rain started, but it is still yucky and cold out today, so Tyler and I are going to curl up and just relax today, and when Kayla and Craig get home later today, we will curl them up with us! Kayla and I bought a 500 piece puzzle at the Dollar Store the other day and this yucky day is just the perfect day for a pot of soup and a jigsaw puzzle! I was hoping they would cancel school today but the snow and ice didn't hang around long enough. Oh well, we will just have to carry our fun, relaxing day all the way through the afternoon and until bed time!