Monday, January 28, 2008

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday everybody! Don't you just love Monday mornings? I mean really, it is the start of a brand new week. It's like a new chance for a New Year's Resolution every Monday! I love that! Okay, the truth is is that I actually came home from church last night and got things straightened up and lunches made so I'm not actually running around like a chicken with my head cut off this morning. I wonder why I don't do that every night! Hhhmmmm - could it be laziness, selfishness, exhaustion??? Something to ponder at a later date!

There is not a terrible lot going on this week. Today is work and school for everybody and then Monday afternoons have become my AWANA planning time. I'm much better if I just get it all done at the beginning of the week. Tonight Craig and I have decided that it is time to start walking again. Why do we start and stop and start and stop? Okay, yeah, I'll ponder that one later with my other question! Oh, I also have to work on some embroidery stuff this afternoon for Valentine's Day. I love Valentine's Day! That is my favorite holiday to do stuff for the kids' schools. So today I am doing little Valentine's Day hand towels for their teachers. There is just nothing like the Dollar Spot at Target - you can get the best stuff. I picked up these really cute towels in there for Valentine's Day. Love it!

Oh, I know lots of you have been wondering about the potty training issues with Tyler. Well, let me get through today and maybe there will be a poop update soon!