Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sayings and Such

So my kids have been cracking me up with some of the stuff that they have said this week and I had to share.

First of all, Kayla went to a swim party tonight and apparently they had tons of dessert and a little bit of dinner, at least that is what she ate! We were on our way home and she said, "oooh gross, you know how when you burp and you kind of puke up a little, well, I just did that with my hot dog". Gross, but funny!

Tyler is into "buddy" this week. His new name for Craig is "buddy", so everything is "buddy this and buddy that". He also got this very cool dart gun while we were at the beach. It was the highlight of his vacation - just ask him and he'll tell you. I used to be very anti-gun, but I find that a boy can make a gun out of everything whether you want him to or not so I figured if you can't beat them join them. Don't freak out, I'm not buying him a machine gun for Christmas or anything crazy like that. He has one gun and honestly, it is the best $3.99 I have ever spent. He has played with it non stop since buying it. The funny thing is though is that he can't say dart, he says darc! "Where'd my darc go". It cracks me up!

Along with "buddy" Tyler has also gotten very serious about his prayer life lately. I know you shouldn't laugh at the things that your kids pray, but, come on, you know God has a sense of humor. For Tyler, it has become a contest. He tells me now, "this is going to be the best prayer"! So, he begins by thanking Jesus for EVERYTHING!!! And I do mean EVERYTHING, sometimes several times for the same thing! So, tonight he says, "thank You Jesus for all of your hard work". Oh, that made me melt. So sweet!

There were a hundred more things, but I just can't remember them all - I need to start carrying a tape recorder with me. Do they still make tape recorders? Maybe an IPOD with a voice recorder??? I don't know - I'm electronically challenged!