Friday, June 13, 2008

The Calm Before the Storm

This past week or two has been relatively calm, even with VBS going on this week and Kayla being so busy, I have not been that busy. I think that I am going to be thankful for that starting today. From today until I leave for Mexico things get crazy. I was just thinking about my calendar and everything that is on it and I am beginning to wonder if I am insane. I was trying to make a chiropractor appointment(more on that in a minute) and a hair appointment and I wasn't sure it was going to happen. What happened to my life all of a sudden???

Let's see - today is grocery shopping this morning. I was just reading on another friend's blog about the price of gas and groceries and how ridiculous things have gotten. It is insane - I dread it! My gas budget for the next two weeks is more than what I have allotted myself for groceries! Hello? What is up with that? I have reminded myself continually over the past few weeks that God will provide - what a comfort! So, Kayla has her last day of Bible school with her friend and our church, so while she is doing that this morning, Tyler and I will be running errands and buying groceries. This afternoon I have a chiropractor appointment that makes me feel a little nauseous every time I think about it. I have this problem with my ribs and it is just from sleeping funny and lifting Tyler, but the muscle in between my ribs pops out in between the bone and the chiropractor is kind enough to put it back into place for me. It hurts worse than child birth, but not quite as long as child birth, and then I have these really cool bruises for the next week or so. In defense of my chiropractor though I think it hurts him just as much. He told me one time that it just kind of made his stomach upset to think about the pain he was fixing to cause me - nice guy, huh? Anyway, the rest of the night, I will be mostly useless. We have parent's night at our VBS, and in between doing the records and the time that parent's night starts I am going to go out and try to do a little shopping for a couple of things that I still need for Mexico. This time next week I will be all by myself in my house for the whole day. What am I going to do with myself? We are taking the kids to R&R on Thursday. I am going to miss them like crazy. I have never been away from them for more than 3 or 4 days at a time and usually it is just 2 or 3, so this is going to be rough. Plus I just realized that it is going to cost me $1 a minute to call here from Mexico. Ouch! For those of my friends who know that I call home a lot when I am out of town, you know it is going to be rough, but we will all make it through and I can't wait to see what all God is going to do through this trip.

Okay, I can't even think past today now that I have put all of that down on "paper", so I am going to get off of here now and go and start my day!