Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Not Much to Tell

There is not a whole lot going on this week, even though it seems like it has been a busy couple of days. I opted for major straightening yesterday instead of cleaning, ran an errand, and then went to VBS. Our registration went great for the first night and we ended up with over 300 kids registered. It was one of the smoothest registrations that I have seen and our directors have done an awesome job on everything! I finally got to see and talk to my husband at about 9:00 last night. He finished the shelf that will be up above my microwave. I will have to post some pictures when it is all installed. Last night he got the boards finished and stained, tonight is putting on the varnish and, hopefully, tomorrow night I will have a new microwave! That means a whole extra countertop for everyday use. I am very excited about that!
I went to work for a few hours this morning while Kayla went with her friend to VBS and Tyler went to MDO. Picked Tyler up and ran a couple of errands, picked Kayla and her friend, McZ, up, and now Tyler is "resting" and the girls are playing. We will be heading back out to VBS in a couple of hours. So, for the time being, I am bored. Not because I don't have things I could be doing, but because I don't want to do any of the things that I need to do - did that make sense. Basically, I am being l-a-z-y.
I'm not going to update on potty training today, but let's just say that we have found something that Tyler hates and we are using that to our advantage. I'll keep you posted!


Momma 2...5 said...

I like your new design! You should try the signature again and see if it works now. Have a great night!