Monday, June 9, 2008

To Clean or Not To Clean?

That is the question of the day! When there is drywall dust all over your house along with tools and ladders scattering the kitchen do you really feel like cleaning? Oh, and just so you know, there is more sanding to come tonight or tomorrow night so why sweep, mop, and dust when there will just be more tomorrow? Do you think the Fly Lady would approve of that mentality? The fact of the matter is is that it is driving me nuts. I am wearing flip flops in my kitchen because I cannot stand the feel of the dust and grime on my bare feet, yea, TMI, I know. However, it's not like it is like this all the time! Decisions, decisions. I'm probably going to end up sweeping, mopping, and dusting, and then I will just have to do it again in a few days, but I just cannot take the mess any more! Craig is working so hard on all of this, but it is so time consuming!

Okay, on to a more uplifting(?) topic... I'm trying yet another potty training technique. I'm not telling you about it yet though because I want to see if it is going to work. Basically I have two weeks to get Tyler trained before he goes to stay with Grandpa and Grandma for a week. Craig and I have again hit the point of just being royally ticked off with this little guy because he is playing us like a fiddle. He can poop on demand if he thinks he is going to get to do something fun. So now it is just all out war, a battle if the wills, if you will! MAYBE there will be more to come on that later!

This week is going to be a busy one. Kayla just left to go to VBS with a friend; she will be doing that all week. Tonight begins VBS at our own church so we will be gone every night. Our church is expecting a huge turnout so pray with us that we will have lots of unchurched kids who will come and hear the gospel of Christ. I am heading up registration so since I'm working in it, Tyler will be able to participate as well. That will give Craig every night this week to work on the kitchen without his little helper! Yesterday Tyler came into the living room swinging a hammer - a real hammer. Scary.

On another Tyler note, last night we had a band at our church, Eleventh Hour - they rock, by the way! I was very impressed. So was Tyler. I think he will be soon trading his Tonka trucks and tools for an electric guitar and a microphone. In the middle of the concert, he looked over at me, and said, "Mama, you know what I want to be when I grow up?", "One of those", he said, pointing at the band, "I want to be a band!". After the concert, he kept saying, "Mama, that was awesome, that was awesome." He was cracking us up.

Alright, people, I have blogged long enough. I have to dust! Have a great day!


Mark and Abbie's blog said...

Funny! Ace says he wants to play the guitar...maybe they could be a band together :) Good luck on the potty training!