Monday, March 10, 2008

The Adventure Continues

Oh me! Kayla started throwing up at about 11:30 last night. Luckily everything made it where it was supposed to go! She is so sweet. She said, "Mama, I'm sorry I'm keeping you up so late.". Isn't that sweet? Anyway, she spent the night with me and we will be home today as well. She seems to be feeling better but I know that Craig's came and went. I'm supposed to be meeting with a client at 10:00 this morning. Oh, well, they will have to wait. We are going to try to get Tyler to school this morning and then we are coming home and I am going to Lysol EVERYTHING, wash sheets AGAIN, and try to prevent this mess from going any further. Thank you to all of my wonderful friends who have offered to help this week - you guys are the bomb! I wouldn't subject anybody to this junk for anything though unless I was desperate! If I find myself in the corner rolled into the fetal position clutching my Lysol in one hand and the trash can in the other then I will call; otherwise we are going to try to keep this to ourselves!