Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Interesting Bike Ride

Okay, I have to tell you all about our walk and subsequent bike ride tonight. So we went walking tonight and then stopped at the house to get Tyler's bike. He was a little skittish tonight after his crash and burn last night. So we get not even half way around the block and he says, "Daddy, stop my bike, I want to get off." So the bike stops, he gets off and says, "I just want to sit down here for a minute and ask you a few questions!". Absolutely cracked me up. He plops down on the curb, tells Craig that he loves him a couple of times and begins a knock, knock joke! So, we finally get him back on his bike for about a minute and a half until he jumps off again and proceeds to RUN the rest of the way home. He was hysterical! So Craig and I ended up walking his bike home and all I could think about was Shannon and her annoyance with empty strollers - do bikes count too Shannon?

We got our grade back on the potato project and I, um, I mean Kayla got a 100% on the display and a 95% on her presentation. Yea Kayla! Tomorrow is report card day!