Wednesday, March 5, 2008

John Peter

Okay, so awhile back I told ya'll about Tyler's imaginary "boyfriend". Well, he is still with us. Yep, that's right, John Peter is his name. It seems that John Peter is quite a little character. We were out tonight and Tyler was telling us some serious stories about John Peter. Apparently he works by the jail and the Chick-Fil-A AND he says "shut up", which is a major bad word in our house. We haven't quite figured out his position with Tyler yet - one day he is his brother, one day he is his friend, and tonight he was giving John Peter a spanking for saying "shut up". Craig thinks this is all very healthy because he is using his imagination; I'm thinking maybe a child psychiatrist might be good!:-) One thing that we have learned is that John Peter does NOT poop in his pants - how funny is that? Maybe that will rub off on Tyler.