Thursday, March 13, 2008

Debbie Downer

Okay, brace yourselves, I'm about to be Debbie Downer. Today has been a pretty awful day. Tyler has tested every ounce of patience that I have or had, Kayla has showed her attitude and sassiness several times. They are being 4 and 8 years old; should I expect anything different? No. Then why do I let it get to me? As Shannon and Craig would say, they have been pushing my buttons and I have been letting them. Does anyone know of any Parenting 101 classes??? I know that I have God's Word as a Guide, but I am talking about the stuff like this - tonight Kayla was in the shower, Tyler was sitting on the potty, and I was on the phone (maybe that's enough, I shouldn't have been on the phone:)). Tyler was beating the shower curtain with his pj pants just to annoy Kayla, so Kayla in turn begins to scream "Mama" at the top of her lungs. What do you do about that? Spank them both? Spank Tyler for purposely annoying his sister? AAAGGGHHHH!!!! I also had to tell Tyler that he was not going to be able to eat any more of his afternoon snack or dinner until he finished picking up his toys in the living room. You know the Bible does say that if a man won't work he shouldn't eat either! Okay, and before any of you people call DFACS on me, I wouldn't starve my child for not picking up his toys, but he doesn't need to know that! Trust me, Holly and I have already decided that we don't look good in orange! And I have no desire to have a cellmate named Bertha!
Tyler has again decided that he has absolutely no desire to poop in the potty. Although he did tell me today, "Mama, I have to go to the bathroom because I just can't stand it anymore." I'm not sure what it was he couldn't stand because after that he turned around and pooped in his pants again.
So, there you go - there has been a ton of drama in my week this week! I don't really care for drama. Oh, it might be fun for a moment, but it gets old very quickly. AAAHHH, I think I need a cup of coffee, some chocolate, some Calgon, and a few deep cleansing breaths!