Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Praises and Prayer Requests

Just had to let everyone know that Tyler has been in the bathroom twice this morning to poop! I know you all wanted to know that. But seriously, he has gone in of his own free will without even telling me. That is absolutely huge for us! Dad, I finally did break down and reward him after the second time - I gave him a piece of candy! Yea Tyler!!! Please pray that he continues on!

Also, please pray for my husband. He is still sick and I think he is actually getting worse instead of better. He ate dinner last night, but lost it all as the night wore on. He is away from home and he is miserable. Please pray that this will go away. I told him to try to find a prompt care or something to go to, but I doubt he will do that. Just please pray that he will feel better NOW! Thanks!